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Ultralight, small and easy on the wallet too? No thinking necessary with this versatile package that includes the feather-light, precision-simmering Crux Lite stove and the Terra Solo Cook Set made for fast-and-light adventures. You can escape the urban jungle with a super light rucksack and still sup like a prince with this 272g system. The tidy little bundle holds a pot with pour spot and a tough-as-nails fry pan (that doubles as a pot lid). Keep it neat in the mesh carry bag. Inside that, magically find room to also stash our folding spork and a 100g gas cartridge too. Choose your tools: the stove, the cook set, or take it all when you escape the daily grind.
Wylie's Outdoor World's owner 'Drew' handles all returns, and exchanges personally.
We offer a 30-day (from the date of purchase) returns and exchange policy. You may return most new, unopened, unworn, and unused items within 30 days of your order date for a refund or exchange. However you must contact us within 14 days to inform us. (Some items in our store are non-returnable) such as used batteries, and underwear for example. We must be able to resell a product again as brand new.
If you need to return an item, simply log in to your account, view the order using the "Complete Orders" link under the My Account menu, and click the Return Item(s) button. Please let us know if you would prefer a refund, or an exchange. Drew will confirm your selection and send you an invoice (If applicable for exchanges) and await your return to arrive with us.
Please, allow Drew 3 to 5 days to process your returns or exchanges. However, the "turnaround" time is often faster than this.
We ship to UK mainland predominantly. However, we can ship internationally on request.
We use DPD exclusively for all UK orders as standard. We offer free shipping on all orders over £100, orders under £100 are charged a £5.99. (Some long, or overly heavy/large items will vary in shipping cost)
Drew also packs customers orders personally. We ask you to allow 2 days to process orders. This allows Drew adequate time to process orders, be the sole point of contact for all our customers, and manage our website. On average delivery time is 3 to 5 working days. However, Drew is quite efficient. Orders are often processed and delivered in a shorter time.
Meet the owner
Wylie's Outdoor World first opened our doors back in 2014. Drew Built, and manages our website. Answers all customer contacts, and dispatches orders personally.
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