In this article, John Smith covers the Highlander Alcohol Stove that is stocked at Wylies Outdoor World, in comparison to the ever-popular Trangia Alcohol Stove.

Above: John Smith, product tester.
First Impressions of the Highlander Alcohol Stove
When I first received the Highlander Alcohol Stove I was pleasantly surprised by the build quality. Despite its small price tag, it appeared well made and sturdy. However, in comparison to the Trangia Alcohol Stove that we all know and love, you can definitely tell it won’t last a lifetime of constant use. In addition to this, it’s definitely not as robust as the Trangia, despite being well-made.
Product Specifications (provided by the manufacturer)
Highlander Alcohol Stove:
Weight: 90g / 3.17 oz
Colour: Brass
Dimensions: 7 x 7 x 5cm
Trangia Alcohol Stove:
Weight: 107.7g / 3.8 oz
Fuel Type: Solid Fuel Tablet, Denatured Alcohol, Alcohol & Solid
Stove Type: Alcohol & Solid Fuel
Application: Cooking
Capacity: 70 ml
Material: Brass
Auto Igniter: No
Boil Time: 8 min
Maintainable: Yes
Burn Time: 70 ml / Appx. 30 min

Above: Trangia Alcohol Stove (L) and Highlander Alcohol Stove (R).
How have the Highlander Alcohol Stove and Trangia Alcohol Stove been tested?
Both Alcohol Stoves were tested 3 times, in the same conditions, with the same amount of alcohol and water (see details below):-
· All tests were completed outside on the same day in Sunny, but slightly windy conditions.
· Both Alcohol Stoves were placed inside a Bushcraft Essentials - BushBox Pocket Stove (see pictures below)
· 50ml / 1.69oz of Alcohol / Methylated Spirit was used in each Stove.
· 500ml / 16.9oz of Water add to Pathfinder Steel Cup for Boil Test.
Above: Highlander Alcohol Stove (L) and Trangia Alcohol Stove (R) in BushBox Pocket Stove.
Highlander Alcohol Stove - Test Results
Test 1 Result
Test 2 Result
Test 3 Result
Mean Result
500ml / 16.9oz of Water boiled in
10 minutes
57 seconds
10 minutes
28 seconds
11 minutes
5 seconds
10 minutes
50 seconds
50ml / 1.69oz of Alcohol Burned for
24 minutes
3 seconds
20 minutes
45 seconds
27 minutes
21 seconds
24 minutes
3 seconds
Trangia Alcohol Stove - Test Results
Test 1 Result
Test 2 Result
Test 3 Result
Mean Result
500ml / 16.9oz of Water boiled in
9 minutes
17 seconds
9 minutes
16 seconds
9 minutes
48 seconds
9 minutes
27 seconds
50ml / 1.69oz of Alcohol Burned for
14 minutes
42 seconds
15 minutes
26 seconds
15 minutes
55 seconds
15 minutes
21 seconds
So with the results outlined above, you can clearly see that there isn’t much in it time-wise, when it comes to boiling 500ml / 16.9oz of water. The Trangia boiled quicker, but only by 1 minute and 17 seconds, which in reality isn’t a lot when you’re out hiking or camping, and time isn’t of real importance. The big difference, however, is in the overall burn time of both Stoves. The Highlander Alcohol Stove burned for a staggering 8 minutes 42 seconds longer than the Trangia, with the same amount of fuel (50ml / 1.69oz). That’s almost enough time to Boil another 500ml / 16.9 oz of water, unreal.
Storing Your Stoves
I tested both stoves stored with 50ml / 1.69oz of Alcohol in them and experienced no issues. I deliberately put both Stoves on their sides overnight in my DD Action Pack and can confirm that both are fully leaking resistance. I also did a shake test and experienced no issues, so on this from both Stoves are a winner. Unfortunately, neither stove comes with its own storage pouch, but these can be easily purchased from a variety of different craftsmen and craftswomen in the web.
General Care
Store in a cool, dry, dark place
Always ensure your gear is completely dry before storing away
My Conclusion About Highlander Alcohol Stove vs Trangia Alcohol Stove
Both are worth their money, but for very different reasons. With everything listed above in mind, if you are after a rugged and hardwearing Alcohol Stove that will last a lifetime, then I would highly recommend the trusty Trangia. However, if you are new to Alcohol Stoves and after a Stove that is cheap, efficient, and offers great boiling times and alcohol burning, then look no further than the Highlander. This little Stove will for sure be part of my kit of many years to come.